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FAQs on centrifugal pump safety

Centrifugal pumps are among the most popular types of pumps used for residential and industrial applications. They use the kinetic energy of a motor to move liquids. They are mainly used for moving water. They are also used for sewage, petroleum and chemicals. Just like any other pump, centrifugal pumps too need careful handling. As one of the leading pumps manufacturers, we have curated some of the frequently asked questions on centrifugal pump safety and their answers:

What precautions must be followed in a centrifugal pump before pumping operations?

Just like any other electrical equipment, operating a centrifugal pump requires some precautions such as:

  • Use the pumps for applications they are intended for: There are different types of pumps that are designed for different liquids and have different ratings. Centrifugal pumps should not be used for liquids that they are not designed for. For instance, using a standard centrifugal pump for pumping corrosive fluids can damage its parts. This will affect the longevity of the pump. In the worst scenario, the pump can explode. For pumping corrosive liquids, use pumps that are specifically designed for them.
  • Physical inspection before use: Before starting the pump, the operator must always double-check everything. It must be ensured that valves are in the correct position, all safety guarding is in place, and there are no other visual issues.
  • The operator must wear PPE: The operator using the pump must possess proper training and knowledge of the pump. Operators must wear PPE all the time when working around industrial equipment.

What causes a centrifugal pump to fail?

Several issues can cause the pump to fail. Here are some common causes:

  • Too much pressure
  • Cavitation
  • High temperature
  • Leakage
  • Vibration
  • Improper installation

What is cavitation in the centrifugal pump?

Cavitation in pumps is the rapid creation of air bubbles in the fluid. Cavitation not only erodes the components of the pump over time but also causes excessive vibration in the pump. Frequent episodes of cavitation result in reduced pump safety and reliability.

How do you maintain a centrifugal pump?

The best and effective way of ensuring pump safety is to perform routine maintenance. Carry out routine maintenance to check the bearing and lubricant condition, overall pump vibration, mechanical seals and shaft alignment.

Looking for centrifugal pump manufacturers?

We offer a wide range of centrifugal pumps ideal for water supply, heating, cooling, air-conditioning and cooling plants. Lightweight and easy to install, our centrifugal pumps have a high-quality motor body for heat dissipation and to prevent corrosion.


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