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FAQs on electrical safety devices and their answers by a switchgear company in the UAE?

Electrical accidents can be dangerous as they can result in burns, fires, and electrocution. This is why it is important to use electrical safety devices which are deto prevent certain risks that electrical faults present. As a switchgear company in the UAE, we answer some of the frequently asked questions on electrical safety devices:

What are the common electrical safety devices?

Some of the common electrical safety devices are:

  • Fuses
  • Circuit breakers
  • MCBs
  • MCCBs
  • GFCIs
  • AFCIs

What is the purpose of electrical safety devices?

Electrical safety devices are designed to protect electrical circuits from short circuits or overloading. They stop the incoming electrical flow at the sign of any electrical faults. There are different types of electrical safety devices offering different kinds of protection.

What is difference between fuse and circuit breaker?

Both fuses and circuit breakers serve the same purpose. They offer protection against current overloads. However, the key difference is the fuse melts each time it detects an electrical fault and needs to be replaced. On the other hand, a circuit breaker trips and just needs to be reset.

What is a GFCI? Is it different from AFCI?

A Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) is a protection device that prevents people from receiving an electric shock. GFCI detects the fault and prevents electrical wiring and sockets from overheating. GFCI is different from AFCI. GFCI provides personal protection from electrical shock whereas Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) helps in preventing electric fires by detecting arcing faults in electrical wiring.

What is an MCB?

An MCB automatically cuts off the power supply on detecting electrical faults such as overloading and short circuits

How do you reset a tripped circuit breaker?

When a circuit breaker "trips", it interrupts the flow of electricity to prevent an electrical hazard. Resetting the circuit breaker for the "single area" trip is easy; go to the breaker box and look for the circuit breakers labeled for the part of the building without power. The breakers will be in the "off" position. Turn the circuit breaker back to the "on" position and you will have power restored. To reset the mains (entire house), you will need a torch as there won’t be power in the whole house.

How to maintain electrical safety devices?

One of the best ways to maintain electrical devices is to get them checked by a licensed electrician regularly.

What to do if the circuit breaker is tripping continuously?

First, ensure that not too many appliances are plugged into one socket, as this can overload the circuit. If it is still tripping, have the receptacle and or the circuit checked by a licensed electrician.


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